Many People Will Try To Make Money Online. Most Will Fail. 

But Those Who Succeed Long-Term Will Do So Because They Follow One Simple Principle!

Keep Reading To Find Out The "Duplication" Method For Earning Your First $1,000 And Then Repeating It Over And Over Again!

DISCOVER the "Duplication" method that will help you earn your first $1,000 online!

LEARN the strategy that lets you replicate this method and explode your earnings.

AVOID the things that hold you back and build a reliable source of income FAST!

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When my son was little, he would laugh his head off telling me the same silly joke that I had told his grandpa many years ago.  It played out like this...

Son: "Pete and Repeat were sitting on a log. Pete fell off. Who was left?"

Me: "Repeat."

Son: "Pete and Repeat were sitting on a log. Pete fell off. Who was left?"

Me: "Repeat."

This vicious cycle continued until I finally gave up and ended things by saying something like "the other guy" instead of saying "repeat".

There is something really powerful contained in this joke. Don't let its simplicity or childishness mask the awesome impact of the effect of repeating something over and over again.

I call it the Principle of Duplication. Here's what it means...

Discovering a process which produces a desired result and then repeating that process multiple times.

This can be as trivial as house-breaking a dog or as significant as building a billion-dollar business. Find something that works and do it over and over again. Let me refer to three classic examples...

Example #1: Scott Jurek. Scott is an ultramarathoner who has completed the "biggest attraction" in endurance running, the Western States 100. That's right, he RAN the 100-mile distance event over difficult terrain and gruelling conditions. But Scott didn't just run it. He WON the event ... a mind-boggling seven times in a row! He found something that worked to produce a desired result and then repeated that process multiple times.

Example #2: The Duggars. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar had a baby boy named Josh together. That's not unusual, right? A lot of people have babies together. Many of them named Josh. The Duggars, however, didn't stop there. They kept having babies and now have a staggering NINETEEN children together. They found something that worked to produce a desired result and then repeated that process multiple times.

Example #3: Apple iPod. The iPod Classic got things rolling. Soon there was the iPod Shuffle, the iPod Nano and the iPod Touch. Each of these models have gone through various "generations" with different color, style and size combinations. Apple has reportedly sold more than 300,000,000 (that's 300 million!) iPods (and counting)! Yes, they found something that worked to produce a desired result and then repeated that process multiple times.

If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

You've heard that, haven't you? Well, here's my version:

If it isn't broken, don't fix it... AND KEEP DOING IT.

There is something extremely powerful about duplication. 

In each of these examples above - and others just like them - it all began with the FIRST success.

> Scott won his FIRST event.

> The Duggars had their FIRST baby.

> Apple sold its FIRST iPod.

We could go on forever, but here's the eye-opener.

Before you can repeat the process multiple times you must

discover a process that produces a desired result.

That's what I'd like to help you with today.

If you're looking for a great way to get started making your first $1,000 online, this special report is a great resource to read immediately...

From Zero To Profit: How To Make Your First $1,000 Online

(45 Page Report in .PDF Format - Instant Download)

Only $27.00 $2.97

In this special report, you'll learn to create simple Private Label Rights products that you can sell easily. 

Private Label Rights  means it is content that you create and license other marketers to use in just about any way they choose. They can modify it, sell it or even give it away for marketing purposes (like building a list). 

Yes, there's a HUGE market for this kind of products.

Once you learn the process it's a matter of duplication ... repeating it over and over again.

If you have "some" experience online but haven't really made much progress with your internet business, then this is a great report for you. From Zero To Profit will give you a detailed look at what to do in order to break into the PLR business and start selling content to other marketers in this red-hot industry.


The point here is you create the content and license buyers to use it as their own. Instead of "ghostwriting" for one person, you sell the content to dozens if not hundreds of customers!

I'll teach you a system for earning your first $1,000 ("a process that produces a desired result") and you can then duplicate it ("repeat the process multiple times") as many times as you wish for long-term success and - literally - as much money as you want.

Here are just a few things you'll learn when you download your copy today...

  • What it takes to break into the PLR (private label rights) business including effective strategies for choosing a hot niche, creating your offer, and getting your first paying customers even if you've never sold a thing online before!
  • A simple process that so many successful PLR providers use for creating offers priced at $47 and all the way up to $97 that you can sell to others in the red-hot private label market ... by selling just a couple of copies you'll make over $1,000 fast!
  • 5 sure-fire ways to find exactly what kind of content is rapidly selling so you can create "in-demand" offers, plus the best strategies for getting others to buy your content when you make it available.
  • How to write a salesletter that convinces readers to take action and order your product, including a sample salesletter that you can use as your own - simply tweak a few particulars (name of your product, etc.) to personalize it and you're ready to roll!
  • 4 of the most effective ways to generate traffic for your PLR offer so people learn about you and what they can buy from you - use these marketing strategies to kickstart your sales when you're ready to launch!

NOTE: From Zero To Profit is a special report, it's not a full-blown home study course. While it is very detailed and thoroughly explains what to do, it is not all-inclusive. You will need to know how to do basic things like upload files, edit webpage files, etc. It is not recommended for complete beginners who need to know EVERY detail. It does however point readers to some additional resources that contain wholesome information on particular subjects, as well as alternative business solutions.

After you learn the exact process it's just a matter of duplication ... repeating it over and over again.

The strategy shared in this report is intended to show WHAT to do in order to successfuly create and sell at least 15 copies of a $67 product to generate over $1,000. That's the PREMISE, but it is NOT the PROMISE. I can't promise you'll make $1,000 nor any money at all for that matter. And I don't. You may not make any money at all.

All I can do is explain what and how to do.

The results are completely up to you.

If you are looking for a great report to learn how to make money online, then you will not find a better resource anywhere for the price. From Zero To Profit is in a league of its own!

Listen, you can keep doing what you're doing and you'll get the same result. That's the principle of duplication in the negative sense. You can produce an UNDESIRED result over and over again as well…

It's actually much easier to do, because all you have to do is NOTHING.

… Or, you can download From Zero To Profit now and discover a process that produces a desired result that you can repeat as many times as you want!

Order Now

Yes, I want this special report that shows me how I could make my first $1,000 online from just 15 sales! I have read and agree to the legal disclaimers below.

Only $27.00 $2.97


(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)

* Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain guarantee that you will earn any money.

This page is in not connected or affiliated to Google or Facebook or any other company in any way. 

We do not believe in "get rich quick" schemes - if you want to succeed, you will have to work for it. We cannot guarantee that you will have success online by downloading this report, because it totally depends on your work and effort you're willing to invest in your business.

Do you see the patern here?

I'm adding some bonuses

to help you get this in motion fast!

Bonus #2 ($17)

7 Steps To Build An Online Store

While it may seem unrelated to From Zero To Profit report, you will need a place to sell your products. And what better place can you have than your own store?

A short yet comprehensive guide to start your own online store where you can independently sell your products, as well as other people's products.

This is the foundation upon which you can build to create a lucrative business and a sustainable source of income.

Bonus #1 ($27)

100 Fast List Building Methods (PLR)

A PERFECT bonus to accompany From Zero To Profit Special Report: It will show you exactly what you should create. Plus, you can use it for yourself or rebrand it and sell as your own - that's the beauty of PLR licensing.

Discover How You Can Successfully Build a Huge List of Subscribers Fast and Easy!

It's a full PLR package, including an ebook, sales page, graphics and everything you need to create an offer to sell.

This is what your product will look like. Go for it.

Don't let another opportunity pass you by.


Here's an old wisdom.

Bonus #3 ($27)

My eCommerce Toolbox

Basic and advanced eCommerce tools we're using in our business. They are battle tested, scale-proof, and able to handle the enormous complexities of any eCommerce business. A perfect add-on to the 7 Steps To Build An Online Store guide.

This is the foundation upon which you can build by applying the principles of trade and marketing, without the trial and error process taking you valuable time.


You have to TAKE ACTION!


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